"If I have seen futher, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants."

Sir Isaac Newton
Fellowship of the Royal Society
Media Credit:
Original print – Sir Godfrey Kneller Extraction
by VonHaarberg (talk · contribs),
Public domain,
via Wikimedia Commons
"If I have seen further, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants."

Sir Isaac Newton
Fellowship of the Royal Society
Media Credit:
Original print – Sir Godfrey Kneller Extraction
by VonHaarberg (talk · contribs),
Public domain,
via Wikimedia Commons
We Can Do It...and We Will
This Group of California Dreamers Did More than Just Wish Upon the Stars
Pictured here are the founding fathers of Stony Ridge Observatory. Each patriarch brought talents, some unique, some in duplication but never in excess of what was needed, for simply stated, the project “took all they could give – and then some.”
More details about their efforts are related on the History page, including links to a self-produced movie made about their experiences:
Stony Ridge Observatory, Inc. – A Cooperative Effort
For a brief synopsis of each man’s contribution, “hover” your mouse over the circle above the name.

This Group of California Dreamers Did More than Just Wish Upon the Stars
Pictured here are the founding fathers of Stony Ridge Observatory. Each patriarch brought talents, some unique, some in duplication but never in excess of what was needed, for simply stated, the project “took all they could give – and then some.”
More details about their efforts are related on the History page, including links to a self-produced movie made about their experiences:
Stony Ridge Observatory, Inc. – A Cooperative Effort
For a brief synopsis of each man’s contribution, “hover” your mouse over the circle above the name or, on touch screens, select with finger or pen.
- Dr. WH Griffith
- Norman L Bolz
- George A. Carroll
- Roy K. Ensign
- Harold J. Ireland
- “Easy” Sloman
- Norris A. Roberts
- J. George Moyen

- John Sousa
- John Terlep
- Charles Buzzetti
- Roy R. Cook
- David Thomas, Sr.
- Alvin E. Cram
- Anthony L. Bland
Stony Ridge Observatory: in Remembrance
A Lasting Legacy Built Upon "Fifteen Pillars"
Those who conceived and built Stony Ridge Observatory authored the opening chapters of a story still being written. It includes reports of scientific research, advanced outreach, and the odes of fellow amateurs who, like they, simply came to love the stars. Their odyssey placed footprints on barren ground and where those ran out, challenged future generations to make new ones.
Thus, after first preserving and protecting those impressions, made step by resolute step, there can be no better way to honor these men’s legacy than to borrow their achievement and do more. For astronomy, as in any other science, is always advancing. Tools originating from a previous era can be brought forward if well executed by their Creators then maintained, improved, and re-imagined by like minded Progeny willing to assume the responsibility that comes with inheritance. That is the duality of being a modern Stony Ridge astronomer-benefactor, both guardian of the past and guarantor for who and what comes next. That is the DNA of the Founders’ lineage…

In Memoriam...
The individuals who founded SRO comprised a range of abilities and age. Yet, they had to be youthful in spirit and determination, all, for nothing less could have crossed a finish line that sometimes seemed as distant as the stars they chased.
None of the original members are still alive. The last of them, John Sousa, was a young man when they began their journey of dreams and toil, and the last to set foot inside the dome. Perhaps when nearing the doorway on that final visit he paused to see his name clustered with the others as shown here, and thought back to a day of satisfaction and triumph when they posed for the photo on this page.
They had gathered just steps away from where this plaque is permanently installed, each man having taken a leap of faith in the others and landing, shoulder to shoulder, at the mountaintop
temple of their making.

In Memoriam...
The individuals who founded SRO comprised a range of abilities and age. Yet, they had to be youthful in spirit and determination, all, for nothing less could have crossed a finish line that sometimes seemed as distant as the stars they chased.
None of the original members are still alive. The last of them, John Sousa, was a young man when they began their journey of dreams and toil, and the last to set foot inside the dome. Perhaps when nearing the doorway on that final visit he paused to see his name clustered with the others as shown here, and thought back to a day of satisfaction and triumph when they posed for the photo on this page.
They had gathered just steps away from where this plaque is permanently installed, each man having taken a leap of faith in the others and landing, shoulder to shoulder, at the mountaintop
temple of their making.
It is a strange irony that the inanimate outlasts the living. But sturdy things that meet the test of time keep their makers’ spirit alive long after flesh and bones return to stardust. While succeeding waves of new members have put their mark on the Observatory, some much more than others, the accomplishment of These Fifteen is singular, undimmed by the passing years. After all, this is still “their” place, the rest of us invited guests for as long as we are granted that privilege.
We will always honor, and remember…